
Basics And A Concrete Study Pattern For Class 10 Students:

24.03.21 04:01 PM - By Admin - Comment(s)
Preparing for the most critical exam in a student's life, the Class 10 Exams, is not easy. A student can do well on the Class 10 Board Exam if they have a good study plan and the required materials.


Time Management for Class 10 Boards!

24.03.21 04:00 PM - By Admin - Comment(s)
Time management is necessary for any exam preparation trip, and board exams for class 10 are no exception. As critical as last-minute suggestions are effective time management during planning and in the examination hall. Effective time management skills are critical in assisting students in completi...

Class 10th --> Grammar --> "Do as directed"

19.03.21 05:37 PM - By Admin - Comment(s)

1) Father said, "Smita, why are you studying now?” (change into indirect) 

2) Everyone was surprised by the sudden attack. (change the voice)   

3) To die is better than to surrender. (Rewrite using gerunds of the underlined infinitives) 

4) They could not reach the meeting pla...

Are class 10th marks important?"

10.01.21 03:03 PM - By Admin - Comment(s)

Are you planning to join PCM coaching classes then this is right place for you. Above all, people say that class 10th defines your future. So you might be curious to know about the details. People say that twelve years of schooling are sufficient enough to shape the next sixty years of your life. Yo...

Tips on How to Prepare for Class 10 

02.12.20 05:23 PM - By Admin - Comment(s)

Class 10 is considered the life-changing phase for every student. It is the milestone that helps in shaping your future that is why you have to undergo rigorous training. Class 10 is all about facing tough competition not only with your classmates but with students across the nation. Therefore, to h...